Program 1 Dinar Emas, 1 Bulan

2 janvier 2012

UPSI Insident : An Opinion

Give your vote on this issue here. Thank you

1. Before I start, I would like people to know more about the AUKU act that was introduced in 1971. This is what I have copied from the Wikipedia.
Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti 1971 (AUKU 1971) merupakan satu akta yang digubal oleh kerajaan Malaysia yang diperkenankan oleh raja pada 27 April 1971. Ia juga merupakan suatu akta sebahagiannya di bawah kuasa Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia untuk mengadakan peruntukan bagi penubuhan, penyelenggaraan dan pentadbiran universiti-universiti dan kolej-kolej universiti awam dan bagi perkara-perkara lain yang berkenaan dengannya.[1] Akta ini dipinda pada tahun 1975 dan 1995 menjadi Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti (Pindaan) 1995. 
For more information upon this act, download the AUKU document

2. Just a few days back, it was the New Year Eve for us, but for some it was the time to go for a rally in front of the UPSI (Universiti Perguruan Sultan Idris). There were, I am not sure whether it was the police or the FRU, during the incident. Read the passage below for further understanding.
Krew AntaraPos.com merakamkan puluhan mahasiswa ditangkap oleh anggota polis dan dimasukkan ke dalam trak polis setelah mereka engkar arahan untuk bersurai dalam  lima belas minit.

Ketua Polis Daerah Tanjung Malim Penguasa Othman Nanyan mengarahkan tunjuk perasaan itu di hentikan padalam tempoh 15 minit kerana ia menggangu keamanan persekitaran.

Beliau berkata pihak polis sedia memberikan masa untuk pelajar terbabit menyampaikan memorandum kepada pihak universiti.

Bagaimanapun mahasiswa berkenaan yang berkumpul kira-kira pukul 1 pagi Tahun Baru enggan berundur dan mahu meneruskan program 16 jam mereka yang disulami dengan bacaan puisi, nyanyian lagu patriotik sambil membawa sepanduk mengutuk AUKU dan kerajaan.
Mereka juga membawa keranda bergambar Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan melaung slogan anti-kerajaan.

Kumpulan itu berkeras mahu meneruskan aturcara yang ditetapkan, memaksa polis untuk menggunakan kekerasan bagi menyuraikan perhimpunan itu.

Pergelutan berlaku ketika polis mengheret mahasiswa masuk ke dalam trak polis namun ada  mahasiswa bertindak  melepaskan diri.

Seorang mahasiswa dikenali sebagai Safuan Anang mengalami kecederaan serius di bahagian rahang manakala Amar Rasyidi cedera di bahagian hidung dan kepala.
Read more here

3. I know that I am not the right person (because I was not there nor in Malaysia) to give an opinion about this issue, but at least I could share with you how I fell about this concerning issue. I profoundly disagree with both party. For both party, they were showing a low level of maturity and responsibility. For the police/FRU, the provocation might have triggered the bloody incident. Their reaction was not an action of a good law enforcer. They should have resolved this problem calmly and with wisely. Bashing students is not a good solution where it could be used by certain party as a point to rally against them.

4. The students on the other hand was 'membawa keranda bergambar Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan melaung slogan anti-kerajaan'. Although their main purposes was to express their feeling about the AUKU act, but this does not give them the rights to perform all this actions. There are still other ways to resolve this problem. Again, I am not the right person to discuss about this topic, but what I think was they were not well equipped when performing the rally. As a student, I believe that they need to take the responsibility as a student as their first priority. Politicking can come after the study. Remember that the opportunity to come and study into a university is a privilege, and the money that they use to eat, buy books or any other stuff for their needs come from others, ie parents, government or corporations. This man's opinion is very interesting, and I would like to share it with you.
Aku rasa mereka2 yg berdemo ni sememangnya sudah bersedia utk masuk ke kancah politik. Let's be positive....check umur dan juga pastikan ada platform utk berjuang. Jangan gunakan universiti sebagai tempat berpayung sebab perjuangan anda terhad. Anda kena ikut akta dan peraturan universiti Lagipun selagi anda belajar tak kira di mana2...anda tetap dipanggil pelajar. Masuk lah ke dalam parti poltik yang anda rasa serasi. Tulis surat kat universiti tu...katakan anda tak bersetuju dengan undang2 tempat anda belajar.
Anda keluar dan tak perlu belajar lagi. Lagipun ijazah yang anda kejar tu tak penting lagi sekarang. Ijazah boleh terdapat di mana mana. Be gentleman lah... aku tak pernah belajar kat universiti sebab aku tak layak pun. Tapi takkan perkara mcm ni aku perlu nak tegur....aku respect semangat kau orang, tapi aku tak respect cara kau orang buat....seolah olah kau orang tak berpelajaran dan hilang budaya kita orang melayu. Mungkin kau org punya persepsi lain tapi bagi orang tua seperti aku itu cara yang tak betul. Aku rasa kau orang perlu perkemaskan strategi kau orang. Dalam strategi yang kau orang buat sekarang, yang untung, pihak lain...langsung tak ada bonus utk perjuangan kau org. Aku komen ni adalah atas niat yang baik. Salam.

Read more here
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Btw I'm a Malaysian student in overseas now and I feel sad to see my own race,yet still a student like me,busy talking about politics rather than academics. While students in other countries are so busy gaining knowledge,the students in Malaysia are yet so busy with the political rally. Then how the Malaysian future leader going to lead the country when academics are left behind? How the Malaysian future leader going to be among the best leader of the world if they can just talk without knowledge?
5. Although I am not agree with both action, but I understand why both party need to do what they believe to be true. I hope that there would be a positive development in our education system. Freedom must be promoted, but too much of freedom would cause us harm for many reasons. Happy New Year and hope for the best for a better Malaysia.