- a once colonised nation is now independent;
- a once poor and undeveloped country is now moving forward, towards Wawasan 2020;
- a country one characterised by high unemployment, now enjoys record employment;
- a country on a rising tide of confidence can now aspire to become one of the great success of the new global economy.
3. Furthermore, we need to believe that, there a more than just to face up to global competition from our Asian neighbours as well as Europe and America. The question revolve around the idea, do we have the strength as a country to make the hard choice on priorities that will determine our success story?
4. Creating a shared national purpose also reflect a deeper need to rediscover a clear and confident sense of who we are as country. Bear with me that every central question about our national future - from our constitution to our global role as nation, from public policy to the challenges of multi-culturalism - can only be answered of we are clear about what we value about being a Malaysian and what give us purpose and direction as a country.