At least 115 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli army fired in the Gaza Strip since Wednesday, while more than 900 have been injured; the majority of the casualties are civilians, including children elderly and women.
For this reason I would like to invite my fellow readers to take steps to upheld the human rights in occupied Palestine. Here are some methods that I think would help the Palestinians.
- Boycott products or multinational companies that are supporting Israel through financial and non-financial means such as McDonals, Coca Cola etc
- Discuss with your friends and family members about this issue.
- Provide financial aids to the the Palestinians via Aqsa Syarif Snd Bhd (for local Malaysians) or via ARIF France (for Malaysian students in France)
Arif Bank RIB : 10278 08003 00020767201 51
Donation's title : "Derma Palestin".
Final donation date : 1/12/2012